Greetings CSBR members and community! I am excited to continue to lead the Colorado Space Business Roundtable. The CSBR Board of Directors and Advisory Board members are committed to connecting and advancing Colorado aerospace. Through our commitment we offer you opportunities to grow your business, network with individuals in all aspects of the industry, and become part of the strong network of support in Colorado.
2020 gave us a new perspective on how we support each other as an industry, community and society. 2021 is showing some promise of light at the end of the tunnel, despite a rocky start. The news of the selection of Huntsville, Alabama as Space Command Headquarters was a shock. Our Colorado Aerospace community, including CSBR, has banded together to challenge that last minute political decision and has been successful in demanding a review of the decision. We anxiously await the outcome of the review. Colorado’s US Senate representative, Senator John Hickenlooper, has been selected to chair the new senate subcommittee on Science and Space which is part of the US. Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation. This news continues to support our state’s efforts to be a strong voice in the future policies of our United States space efforts.
This year, we look forward to growing the Colorado aerospace community. Advancing the mission and business of space exploration throughout the state of Colorado is a key objective. This newsletter will be one part of this collaborative effort. I hope you will enjoy the new format of our newsletter as new features such as business news, member profiles and job listings will encourage engagement in our community.
Engage, Connect, and Thrive!

Alires Almon
Chair, Colorado Space Business Roundtable